Jesus give us good news in this passage. He tells us that he is the
light of the world, revealing light and life to men.
The Pharisees understand what Jesus is saying and then reject it based
on a legal technicality. They say that he cannot bear witness
concerning himself, according to their interpretation of the law.
Their misunderstanding betrays the evil that exists in their hearts.
The Pharisees said that at least two witnesses were always needed in a
court to judge the affairs of humans. Their standard worked well for
judging matters between finite men, but they were not appropriate for
this situation. The things of God cannot be measured by human
standards. Humans are utterly dependent on God for all revelation
concerning himself, and so they cannot dismiss his revelation simply
by saying it does not meet our expectations. Light always reveals
other things, but it does not need other things to be revealed.
Jesus’ testimony concerning himself is valid, because he is God. He
has come from heaven and will return to there. Also, his Father bears
witness to him. No mere human is any position to dismiss his
testimony. The reason for the Pharisees rejection is that they have
also rejected the one who sent Jesus. The Father cannot be known
except through the Son, and to reject the Son is to reject the Father.
Jesus warns them again, saying that they will die in their sins if
they do not believe in him. They ignore his warning, and ask him
again who he is. He tells them bluntly that he is who he has been
saying he is, but they have not been listening. Indeed, their failure
to listen would result in their lifting Jesus up on a cross; but even
then they would not understand the ultimate display of God’s love for
humans and the salvation he offers.