Last week, we saw that Jesus used the image of a vine and its branches
to illustrate the relationship that exists between him and his
followers, and we saw that this life-giving union between vine and
branch would surely result in fruit being produced in the life of the
believer. In these verses, we will see some of the fruit that will
Because of their relationship with Christ, believers will have love,
joy, obedience, and will bear witness to others. The love that God the
Father has for the Son is infinite and eternal, and it is this same
sort of love that Jesus has for all of his followers. As believers
remain in Christ’s love for them, they will surely love each other
with the same sort of devotion. This love will be self-giving, and
not self-seeking. The joy that comes from Christ is one that endures
even in difficult circumstances, and comes from being accepted by God.
Furthermore, Christians will desire to obey Christ. This obedience
is not the simple obedience of a slave, but the joyful obedience of a
son who knows that his Father loves him and desires the best for him.
Christians will also desire to make the glory of Christ known in the
world by telling others what he has done.