And God spoke all these words, saying, 2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.”
The law is useful. It helps non-Christians to see their sin and turn to Christ. It helps us to understand how our societies should live. And it helps us as Christians to live in obedience to God. Today, we will talk about using the law to live as God wants us to live.
Throughout the Bible, we read that the moral law is a delight for Christians, since it helps us to follow our God. However, there are a few verses that seem to say otherwise, like Romans 6:14 and Ephesians 2:14-15. Verses like these have led some people to say that the Ten Commandments should not have impact on how Christians live. If we read these verses in context, however, we can see that they do not teach what some people say they teach. The Romans verse teaches that we are free from the law as a pathway to heaven. The verses in Ephesians teach that we are free from the ceremonial law. These verses do not teach that we are free from the Ten Commandments. Understanding the relationship between the Gospel and the law helps us to live happier, more joyful lives.